It’s time to connect, reminisce, and celebrate the success of 2022 while looking forward to a tremendous 2023 at the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance Annual Banquet! Whether you’ve attended one of our events in-person or online, put an RSA project into play, or are just curious about our nonprofit, all are welcome!
The night will include a no-host cocktail hour, dinner, and keynote speakers Glenn and Caryl Elzinga:
Glenn and Caryl started Alderspring Ranch near Salmon, Idaho, in 1992, with the purchase of 147 acres and 7 cows. They began direct marketing grass fed and finished beef in 1993 with 2 head. From these beginnings Alderspring Ranch has grown to a 7-figure direct marketing enterprise and a 2500 acre ranch with a 46,000 acre wild rangeland permit. The entire operation is certified organic, including the permit land.
Glenn and Caryl run the ranch with their 7 daughters and a few exceptional employees. The ranch markets 100% of its production, 300-400 head a year, through an internet storefront at Alderspring.com.
After investing in a living soil over 15 years, the ranch is now profitable and expanding, with another run-down 500 acres of former potato farm added in 2022. The family hopes to regenerate that land utilizing cover crops and planned grazing into a profitable enterprise as well.
After working for several years on restoring fertility and biodiversity on the irrigated valley home ranch, the Elzingas turned to the native rangeland used for summer grazing. Seventy percent of the green forage their finish cattle consume is on these wild landscapes. By connecting technology with horsemanship and stockmanship, the Elzingas are working to reduce or eliminate conflicts on public rangelands between livestock and predators while restoring native fish and wildlife habitats…and gaining weight.
While we won’t sit you down and make you listen to too many numbers, the RSA Annual Banquet is also an opportunity for our staff to showcase what was accomplished in 2022. It was a heck of a year! And plans are in play to build on that energy in 2023.
Your RSVP is appreciated! Are you an RSA member? Then dinner is on us! CLICK HERE to become one. If that’s the case, we’d still appreciate your RSVP for planning purposes. Choose the “Member” option and there will be no charge. If you are not an RSA member and don’t choose to become one, banquet cost is $25 per person or $45 per couple. Visit our online event page to save your seat!