BLM Conifer Treatment Tour


Aug 14, 2024    
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

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Note: This tour is being put together by the Bureau of Land Management, a Ranchers Stewardship Alliance partner. RSA is hosting the registration/information page. Have questions? Contact Grace Hershberg at [email protected] or (406) 301-3408.

This tour will stop at several locations, including the 2023 Crooked Creek Unit F prescribed burn, a 2019 wildfire and mechanical conifer removal treatments completed from 2014-2017. These stops will coincide with educational presentations and discussion with BLM project experts.

The purpose of this tour is to discuss the upcoming South Phillips Sage-Grouse Habitat Improvement and Fuels Reduction project. This new project is currently in the early planning stages, and features terrain and vegetation conditions similar to the Crooked Creek Unit F prescribed burn and mechanical conifer removal treatments for sage-grouse to the north, which is why the tour will be taking place there. Treatment will likely employ similar methods to help reduce conifer encroachment, improve sage-grouse habitat and develop a landscape more resilient to wildfires. The South Phillips project is part of the Hi-Line Sagebrush Anchor Restoration Landscape that partners with Ranchers Stewardship Alliance and other partners to complete on the ground conservation projects.

Participants will drive their own vehicles and follow BLM staff along the approximately 80 mile tour route. Privately owned vehicles should be capable of travel on back-country gravel and two-track roads and contain enough fuel to complete the tour route. Participants should bring any needed personal food and drink, and wear closed-toe, sturdy shoes and apparel suitable for the day’s weather conditions. Be prepared for some short-distance walking over uneven terrain to access off-road project areas. A portable toilet will be stationed mid-way along the tour route.

The tour will leave Bohemian Corner Gas Station at 9AM and return at 3 PM.

If there is inclement weather we will contact participants who have RSVP’d to cancel. A backup date for the tour will be August 29th.

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