Ranch Stewards November 2020 Meeting Agenda

We’re looking forward to having you join us at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10 via Zoom for our November Ranchers Stewardship Alliance meeting. The meeting information is below.

Been curious about RSA but not sure how to get involved? This would be a great time to get started by joining a committee! This is where you can really make a difference in guiding the application of our mission: Ranching, Conservation, Communities — A Winning Team!

  • Workshop/education committee – Bring a speaker or topic idea you want to learn more about and help share it with the community.
  • Phillips County Proud Committee – Plan the social event of the season to celebrate ranching, conservation and communities!
  • Conservation Committee – Review and monitor the on-the-ground conservation work of RSA and our partners.
  • Communication/outreach Committee – Help share the story of how ranching, conservation and communities make a winning team!
  • Expansion Committee – Work with Winnett ACES leaders to find mutually beneficial relationships and grow RSA’s impact in rural communities.
  • Fundraising Committee – Develop and execute fundraising plans to ensure a sustainable future for ranching, conservation and rural communities!

If one of those sparks an interest, but you’re unable to join us on Nov. 10, just email Laura at [email protected] and let us know you’d like to be notified of the committee’s work and meetings.

5 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020
Ranchers’ Stewardship Alliance November 2020 Meeting Agenda

Connect with VIDEO:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85639528990

Connect with AUDIO ONLY:
One tap mobile: +16699009128,,85639528990#
Dial in: 1-669-900-9128
Meeting ID: 856 3952 8990

Mission Statement: Ranching, Conservation,
Communities – a Winning Team!

Introductions/Roll Call

  • Agenda additions/changes
  • Outreach: Has anyone presented to any groups pertaining to RSA this last month?
  • Review and approve October minutes
  • Review and approve financials

Standing Committee Reports:

  • Conservation Committee: Sheila Walsh
  • Phillips County Proud Committee (now focused on annual meeting): Kelli French
  • Workshop/Education Committee: Conni French
  • Communication Committee: Dale Veseth
  • Fundraising Committee: Aaron Oxarart and Vicki Olsen
  • Expansion Committee: Sheila Was
  • Membership Committee: Conni (with Fundraising Committee)
  • Beginning Ranchers Committee: Casey

Old Business

  • NFWF NGP Phase V grant application submitted – Laura/Angel
    (Submitted narrative and letters of support attached)

New Business

  • Welcome new staff – Linda Poole, office administrator
  • ACES updates – Brent Smith
  • Conservation Committee requests – Sheila

Announcements/Upcoming Events:

  • Oct. 25 – Nov. 20: REGENERATE Quivera Coalition Conference, https://quiviracoalition.org/regenerate/register/
  • Nov. 12: 5 p.m., Grass Bank Planning Committee meeting
  • Nov. 19: 1 p.m., Communications Committee meeting
  • Nov. 30: 6 p.m., Fundraising Committee meeting
  • Dec. 1: Expansion Committee meeting
  • Dec. 3: Conservation Committee meeting
  • Dec. 8: RSA Monthly meeting
  • Jan. 12: RSA Annual Meeting

Adjourn meeting

Executive board session to follow


Anne Johnson, DVM 
The First State Bank of Malta